Panic engulfed Sarira Forward Military Operating Base in the JubalandΓΒ after a lone gunman stormed the camp and killed three Kenyan peacekeepers on Monday,.
Reports indicated that the lone gunman went berserk and sprayed bullets on the camp, injuring five other soldiers before he was gunned down.
According to Kenyan military officers, the attack was perceived as a testing ground for more looming incidents.
All officers and Kenyans were urged to be vigilant of their surroundings, especially at a time when the festivities were fast approaching.
Γ’β¬ΕWe must be more careful and vigilant. As we near the festivities, we need to be very vigilant of our surroundings.
“The terror threat is still rife and all measures should be taken to tame any plan,” a military officer, who sought anonymity, told the press.
Kenyan authorities also warned officers at various camps against letting their guards down, especially during the World Cup season.
The millitants who also attacked AU troop FOBs over the weekend, a top officer stated, were prone to attack at any moment.
Γ’β¬ΕIt is at this time the militants know we might let our guard down as we watch the World Cup,” the official stated.
As part of its peacekeeping mission under the African Union, Kenyan troops were deployed to Somalia to contain the threat posed by the terror group militia- Al Shabaab.
In July 2022, 19 Kenyan police were sent to SomaliaΓΒ to aid foreign forces and stabilise the war-torn country.
The Africa Union officers were expected to support specialised training, play an advisory role and mentor the Somali police force in joint patrols and protect vital installations.