Hashtag #TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia.: Dareenka xanuunka leh ee Macluusha ka jirta Somalia.

Baraha Bulshadda waxaa si aad ah u qabsaday Hashtag #TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia.

Kumanaan qof ayaana Aragtidooda ka muujiyey xaalladda taagan, iyadoo Hashtag uu wato sawiro tiiraanyo xambaarsan.

Farriinta u uHashtag dirayo ayaa ah mid ku socota Dowladda Turkiga iyo Shirkadda Turkish Airlines oo iyadu noqotay Shirkadda keliya ee Caalamiga ee Duullimaadyadda joogtadda ah ku timaada Somalia.

Kumanaan Rakaab u badan Qurbo-joog ayaana isbuuc kasta ku duula Diyaaradaha Turkish Airlines.

Qoraal ay Shirkadda Turkish Airlines soo dhigeen Twitterkooda @TurkishAirlines waxay ku sheegeen inay aad u jecel yihiin dadka Soomaalida iyo inay micno weyn u samayso Duullimaadyadda ay Somalia kag hawlgalan.

Waxaa weli la xusuusta Booqashadii Taariikhiga ee ay Rajab Dayib Erdogan iyo Qoyskiisa ku yimaadeen magaalladda Muqdisho bishii Augustr ee sannadkii 2011-kii  iyo sida ay ugu soo gurmadeen dadkii ku macluulsanaa Abaartaasi.

Ku-dhawaad 3.7 milyan oo qof ayey saamaysay Abaartaasi, iyadoo ay  250,000 oo qof oo Somali ah ku geeriyootay Macluushaasi.

Halkan ka dheeho Farriinta Hashtag #TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia.

Ya Allah, you’re the sustainer and protector of life, May you guide the Ummah to help those in need. Ameen.

As someone who screams “Somalia Ha Noolato” I feel responsible to make y’all aware. Its time to become 1 ?? ?❤️

20 million people are starving to death in ? UN says it’s the worst humanitarian crisis since WW11.

  1. because no mother deserves the agony of choosing which child gets to live or die

    Turkish Airlines is the only international airline that flies to Somalia. That’s why we need their help. .

    Side by side, hand in hand. That’s how we can make a difference.

    let’s get this trending InshaAllah ?????? bring awareness to what’s happening back home.

    because we’ve always sung “God bless the Turks.” ?? ??

    If you help me feed my family back home, I promise to use your airline every time I go back to visit them.

    I’m pretty sure it’s BLACK people living in Somalia suffering rn and yet BLACK lives matter is not speaking up.

    The UN has announced the famine in Somalia to be “the worst humanitarian crisis since World War ll” pls tweet

    Food and water shouldn’t be a privilege reserved for some; basic human needs?. Let’s help put a stop to this

    We need an effective way of delivering food, water and basic human needs. Do something for the sake of humanity.

     ©Radio Dalsan.

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