Baraha Bulshadda waxaa si aad ah u qabsaday Hashtag #TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia.
Kumanaan qof ayaana Aragtidooda ka muujiyey xaalladda taagan, iyadoo Hashtag uu wato sawiro tiiraanyo xambaarsan.
Farriinta u uHashtag dirayo ayaa ah mid ku socota Dowladda Turkiga iyo Shirkadda Turkish Airlines oo iyadu noqotay Shirkadda keliya ee Caalamiga ee Duullimaadyadda joogtadda ah ku timaada Somalia.
Kumanaan Rakaab u badan Qurbo-joog ayaana isbuuc kasta ku duula Diyaaradaha Turkish Airlines.
Qoraal ay Shirkadda Turkish Airlines soo dhigeen Twitterkooda @TurkishAirlines waxay ku sheegeen inay aad u jecel yihiin dadka Soomaalida iyo inay micno weyn u samayso Duullimaadyadda ay Somalia kag hawlgalan.
Waxaa weli la xusuusta Booqashadii Taariikhiga ee ay Rajab Dayib Erdogan iyo Qoyskiisa ku yimaadeen magaalladda Muqdisho bishii Augustr ee sannadkii 2011-kii  iyo sida ay ugu soo gurmadeen dadkii ku macluulsanaa Abaartaasi.
Ku-dhawaad 3.7 milyan oo qof ayey saamaysay Abaartaasi, iyadoo ay  250,000 oo qof oo Somali ah ku geeriyootay Macluushaasi.
Halkan ka dheeho Farriinta Hashtag #TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia.
Ya Allah, you’re the sustainer and protector of life, May you guide the Ummah to help those in need. Ameen. #TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia
As someone who screams “Somalia Ha Noolato” I feel responsible to make y’all aware. Its time to become 1
20 million people are starving to death in #Somalia UN says it’s the worst humanitarian crisis since WW11.
#TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia because no mother deserves the agony of choosing which child gets to live or dieplease help to stop the famine,
#TurkishAirlinesSomalia#turkishairlineshelpsomaliaTurkish Airlines is the only international airline that flies to Somalia. That’s why we need their help.
#TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia.Side by side, hand in hand. That’s how we can make a difference.
#TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia#IamSomali let’s get this trending InshaAllah#TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia bring awareness to what’s happening back home.#TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia because we’ve always sung “God bless the Turks.”If you help me feed my family back home, I promise to use your airline every time I go back to visit them.
#TurkishAirlinesHelpSomaliaI’m pretty sure it’s BLACK people living in Somalia suffering rn and yet BLACK lives matter is not speaking up.
#TurkishAirlinesHelpSomaliaThe UN has announced the famine in Somalia to be “the worst humanitarian crisis since World War ll” pls tweet
#TurkishAirlinesHelpSomaliaFood and water shouldn’t be a privilege reserved for some; basic human needs
. Let’s help put a stop to this
#TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia#TurkishAirlinesHelpSomalia We need an effective way of delivering food, water and basic human needs. Do something for the sake of humanity. ©Radio Dalsan.