Warka Subax waxaa soo jeedinysa fardowsa maxmuud sahal
waxaana farsameynaya maxamede cabdulahi cali boy
Warka Subax waxaa soo jeedinysa fardowsa maxmuud sahal
waxaana farsameynaya maxamede cabdulahi cali boy
Bilan is Somalia’s first ever all-women media team. Staffed and run entirely by women with full editorial independence, the unit covers hard news and in-depth features, holding leaders to account and making sure the media represents all citizens, men and women, weak and powerful, rich and poor.
Governor of Banadir Region and Mayor of Mogadishu, Mr. Mohamed Ahmed Amiir, hosted a prestigious dinner at the Mogadishu City...
Koox la tuhunsan yahay inay yihiin burcad badeed Soomaali ah ayaa qabsaday dooni kalluumeysi oo Yemen laga leeyahay, meel u...
Guddoomiyaha Gobolka Banaadir Ahna Duqa Magaalada Muqdisho Mudane Maxamed Axmed Amiir ayaa caawa xarunta aqalka Dowladda Hoose ee Xamar casha...
Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyadda Federaalka Soomaaliya Mudane Xasan Sheekh Maxamuud ayaa booqasho rasmi ku yimid magaalada Baku ee caasimadda Azerbaijan, taas oo...
Radio Station
Radio Dalsan was established in April 2012 in Mogadishu, Somalia with FM frequency 91.5MHz . The radio is registered with the federal ministry of information in Somalia. Dalsan is an independent and autonomous FM Radio station. The radio broadcasts for 18 hours in Somalia and also the Radio is on satellite broadcasting to Africa and Asia.
© 2024 Radio Dalsan - Allrights reserved.
© 2024 Radio Dalsan - Allrights reserved.