Dhagayso: Warka Fiidnimo 07-05-2015 by Abuukar Axmed Xasan
Dhagayso: Warka Fiidnimo 07-05-2015 by Abuukar Axmed Xasan
Waxaa maalintii shalay ahayd la soo gabagabeeyay kiiska lammaane ku nool magaalada Muqdisho, kuwaas oo si ula kac ah u...
Waxaa isa soo taraya wararka ku saabsan duqeymo culus oo xagga cirka ah, kuwaas oo saacadihii lasoo dhaafay laga fuliyay...
Dr. Mohamed Elmi Nuur, the Minister of Public Works, Reconstruction, and Housing of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), held...
The Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation of the Federal Government of Somalia, Mr. Mohamed Abdi Hayir Maareeye, led a high-level...
Radio Station
Radio Dalsan was established in April 2012 in Mogadishu, Somalia with FM frequency 91.5MHz . The radio is registered with the federal ministry of information in Somalia. Dalsan is an independent and autonomous FM Radio station. The radio broadcasts for 18 hours in Somalia and also the Radio is on satellite broadcasting to Africa and Asia.
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© 2024 Radio Dalsan - Allrights reserved.