A new report on state of security in Somalia has revealed that AU, AMISOM’s role in helping Mogadishu administration in bringing peace and stability is exacerbated by its international partners.
The report by Somali Think Tank Heritage Institute for Policy Studies (HIPS) based in Mogadishu has further said the influence and interference by horn of African neighbouring states into local politics is also endangering peace keeping personnel on the ground.
“The African Union (AU) and AMISOM’s international partners have exacerbated the problem by failing to provide the mission with vital capabilities, including the 12 military helicopters authorized in 2012. Moreover, the growing influence of Somalia’s neighboring states within AMISOM has damaged the mission’s reputation among Somalis.â€
The 44 page report also touches on the need of the AU mission to closely cooperate with Somali security apparatus in its fight against armed group.
“The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) alone cannot defeat al-Shabaab. This can only happen if AMISOM can partner with a capable, legitimate and inclusive set of Somali security forces.â€
The report dubbed exit strategy challenges for AU mission in Somalia has recommended the peacekeeping mission to review its fighting strategy on the ground by making close contact with locals that also suffered on collateral damages.
“AMISOM needs to be enhanced and reconfigured to enable it to seriously degrade rather than simply displace al-Shabaab’s fighting capabilities, severely restrict the militants’ ability to move throughout Somalia and separate al-Shabaab’s fighters from the local population.â€
CORRECT THIS The first batch of UN mandated African peace keeping troops was deployed to Somalia mainly the capital Mogadishu on March 2007.
The mission has succeeded in pushing armed group from most parts of the country especially main cities such as Mogadishu, Kismayu and Baidoa.
You can read full report on the bellow link