Toos u Daawo Barnaamijka Tartan Aqooneedka degmooyinka Dalka

Barnaamijka Aqoon iyo Abaalmarin oo ay ku tartamaan degmooyinka dalka Intooda badan ayaa waxaa taabagelinaya Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir.

Caawa Barnaamijka waxaa ku tartamaya degmooyinka Balcad G/Shabeellaha Dhexe iyo Cadaado oo Gobolka Galgaduud ah.


About Bilan Media

Bilan is Somalia’s first ever all-women media team. Staffed and run entirely by women with full editorial independence, the unit covers hard news and in-depth features, holding leaders to account and making sure the media represents all citizens, men and women, weak and powerful, rich and poor.

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