(LA-YAABKA & SAWIRO): Shabeel gaajaysan oo surka kaga dhegay Lo’ Kisi doonaysay inay ka baxsato.

Mid ka mid ah Shabeelka Duur-joogto ku nool Dhulka Kaymaha ee Masai Mara ee dalka Kenya ayaa waxa uu cagta cagta u saaray tiro Lo’ Kise oo doonaysan inay ka baxsadaan Shabeelka Hororka ee macluulsan.
Sawir-qaadaha Jarmalka ee inta badan soo sawira Duur-joogta Afrika, Mr. Ingo Gerlach  ayaa soo qaaday Sawiradda Shabeelka eryana Lo’ Kisadda iyo sida uu ugu dambeyntii uu ula harayo mid ka mid ah Lo’ Kisida.
Shabeelka waxa uu Orod iyo Bootin isku daray sidii uu mar u qabsan lahaa mid ka mid ah Lo’ Kisida, si uu u raamsado hilibkeeda, una feento lafaheeda.
Sawir-qaadaha oo Wareysi siiyey Wargeyska Daily Mail ee ka soo baxa UK waxa uu sheegay inuu weerarka Shabeelka ku bilowday si keedisa sidii fallaar  ka baxsatay Qaansadda ayuuna Shabeelka u eryaday Lo’dii oo uu ku helay dhulka Lama-degaanka ee Masi Mara.
Shabeelka waxa uu si gaar ah u ishaartay Lo’ Kisi 9 bilood jirtay, taasi oo uu ugu dambeyntii uu ka dhergay hilibkeeda, ka hor inta uusan la wadaagin  dhowr Shabeel oo soo raajicisay hilibka Lo’ Kisida.
Waxaa ka sii daran Lo’ Kisaddii kale ee la socotay Lo’da la feentay waxay sheeda ka daawanayey sida uu Shabeelku u diirtay Lo’dii ay jaalka ahayeen.
Can you spot the cheetah? The big cat can be seen in the long grass preparing to pounce in this photograph, taken in Kenya
The cheetah is also visible in this image, taken just seconds after the herd of wildebeest realised they were being stalked
Here I am: The hidden cheetah is circled in this photograph, which shows it is camouflaged within the long yellow grass
Here it is circled in the second frame, taken moments after the first, showing it giving chase to the herd of wildebeest
Pictured is the cheetah giving chase to the herd of wildebeest. The cats are known to reach speeds exceeding 70mph
Success: The cheetah captures the wildebeest by the throat after tripping it with its paws in a dramatic end to its hunt
After it had killed the wildebeest, a second cheetah which had helped with the hunt emerged to take part in the eating
Finally a third cheetah emerged from the grass. Photographer Ingo Gerlach said they had worked together to attack the herd
Wildebeest are a common target for cheetahs, who are able to match their speed during short-term pursuits
Finally a third cheetah emerged from the grass. Photographer Ingo Gerlach said they had worked together to attack the herd
The pack of wildebeest look on as the three cheetah begin to eat their capture
Wildebeest are a common target for cheetahs, who are able to match their speed during short-term pursuits
The hungry cheetah tears a piece of flesh off of the wildebeest's leg while feasting on the animal in Kenya
The pack of wildebeest stopped their flight and watched the cheetahs eat their family member following the dramatic hunt
The cheetah's mouth was left dripping with blood as seen in these gruesome images
It was one of three cheetahs to take part in the hunt, after which they all managed to be fed
Cheetahs such as these typically hunt wildebeest, gazelle, impala, springbok and even smaller animals such as foxes
Prey often struggle to spot cheetahs as they creep up on their prey to within one hundred metres before giving chase
Waxaa Turjumay: Ahmed Hagi Ugaaska
@Radio Dalsan


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