Doorashada Kursi Golaha Shacabka oo ka socota Dhuusamareeb

Magaalada Dhuusamareeb waxaa si toos ah uga socota Doorashada Kursigii uu ka geeriyooday Allaha U naxariistee Xildhibaan Bootaan Ciise Caalin oo dhawaan geeriyooday.

Waxaa ku tartamaya ilaa sadex Musharax kursigaan oo ka banaan Golaha Shacabka,kuwas oo kala ah Cabdulahi Faarax wehliye iyo Maxamed Cilmi Afrax ( Mideeye). kala socda Natiijada doorashadaas.

About Bilan Media

Bilan is Somalia’s first ever all-women media team. Staffed and run entirely by women with full editorial independence, the unit covers hard news and in-depth features, holding leaders to account and making sure the media represents all citizens, men and women, weak and powerful, rich and poor.

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