South West State To Send Troops To Back Ex Alshabaab Robow

 An official from the South West State has for the first time broken silence over the rising tension between Alshabb and militia loyal to estranged Alshabaab leader Ali Mukhtar Robow Abu Mansoor.
Speaking to Reuters nrws agency the Governor of Bakool region where Robow’s militia are based  Mr. Mohamed Abdi said that they were ready to send troops to back up the former Shabaab spokesman and commander.
“Your friend’s enemy is your enemy” Abdi said in the interview. There has been reports of a standoff between Robow’s militia and Alshabaab fighters said to be less than 8 km from Abal their target.
Militia loyal to estranged Alshabaab leader Abu Mansoor are said to be on the brink of an all out war with Alshabaab fighters heading to his exiled camp Abu Mansour’s men are camped in a mountainous area near Abal village.
SNA soldiers and AU troops are about 18km away in the town of  Huddur. Abu Mansoor  has been exiled in Abal, Bakool region since becoming estranged to slain leader Ahmed Godane over ideologological differences.  US this week removed Abu Mansoor from the $5M bounty list.

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