Sawiro:Alshabaab oo shaacisay Muuqaaladii weerarkii Saldhigga Af-urur ee Puntland

Alshabaab ayaa baahisay sawirrada weerarkii ay ku qaaday Saldhigga Af-urur ee Gobolka Bari, maamulka Puntland 8-dii June  ee Sanadkaan 2017.

Muuqaalada ay baahisay qeybta Alshabaab u qaabilsan warfaafinta waxaa ka muuqda qasaare weyn oo gaaray xerada iyo ciidamada Puntland, oo ay ku jiraan gaadiid la gubay iyo hub la bililiqeystay.

Dagaalkaas ayaa la sheegay in lagu dilay 45 askari oo ka mida ciidamada Puntland oo ay ku jiraan saraakiishii ugu sareysay ee saldhiggaasi.


Raid on the apostate encampment at Af-Urur – 100KW SW of Bosaso
Raid on the apostate encampment at Af-Urur – 100KW SW of Bosaso
Raid on the apostate encampment at Af-Urur – 100KW SW of Bosaso
Raid on the apostate encampment at Af-Urur – 100KW SW of Bosaso
Raid on the apostate encampment at Af-Urur – 100KW SW of Bosaso
Raid on the apostate encampment at Af-Urur – 100KW SW of Bosaso
Raid on the apostate encampment at Af-Urur – 100KW SW of Bosaso
Raid on the apostate encampment at Af-Urur – 100KW SW of Bosaso


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